Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

History of Women and High-Waist Pants

Men are from Mars and women from Venus. Men don’t listen and women don’t read map. Among all difference, why men wearing pants and so does women? When did this started? In the late 1800s, the economic depression going on in some parts of the Western World. This caused the share of women working in industry that requires them to be practical and efficient. Because of this practicality and efficiency, many women use pants to work. At the time of World War II, women wear pants more often with consideration of their husbands’ work they had to do while the husbands were serving in the war. Then why women should wear high-waist pants and not the other models? In mid-1940, women pants not yet existed. So in the year which World War II was going on, the husbands do not only leave their jobs to their wives, but also a collection of their pants, all in high-waist model at that time. In the beginning (late 1940s), women who wear pants in public is considered as embarrassing. But around the same year the women were demanding equal rights between them and men. This triggered two young famous women in those days (Katherine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich) to take pictures using pants. They do this for some time until finally the use of pants by women accepted in the public. The first women pants massive production was also in high-waist model. Some say this also because women were in a great shape and curve with big hips, small waist, and long torso which gave a great silhouette in high-waist pants. In addition, at that time people believe by having big hip would help women to give birth. People who give birth easily become very important because many victims had died up to a lot of offspring. In other words, the model was also used as a pair of self-promotion tools to the men. So, for all high-waist pants lover, you are now having reasons to wear these high-waist pants beside of trend.(na nu)
Na Nu's Article 

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