Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Contacts & Rules

na nu e-shop contacts

1. E-mail: nu.nanunanu@gmail.com

2. YM: ticute_imyut@yahoo.com

3. Phone: +6221 369 68699

4. Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia

na nu e-shop rules

1.Most of our accesories products are handmade and not mass-production. Please remember we only have 1(one) item for each collection. So it's more like custom. Feels like shopping in a high-class boutique ha?
2. All prices are fixed. (No bargain, Lads... I'd love to, but I'm not good at it. =D) and not include shipping or delivery. For tariffs, visit www.tikijne.co.id
3. Orders, waiting lists, booking lists only received via text on the number above.
4. Order format:
       Order, Your Name, Item Name, Item Code.
     Booking format:
       Book, Your Name, Item Name, Item Code.
    Waiting list format:
       WL, Your Name, Item Name, Item Code.
    After your text received, I'll send you confirmation for item availability by text. So please tell me on which number is your direct contact. If it's booked, you can also text me for waiting lis. Then, I'll reply your text for your waiting-list number. Please send back your confirmation when those text received.
 5. Don't forget! Any order or reservation without sending me text confirmation will be canceled after 1x24hr.
 6. Item will be send right away after full payment confirmation. Ow, I don't receive down payment.
 7. Be a nice costumer and I'll be even way humble.

Happy shopping, everyone....

na nu
About Na Nu E-Shop

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Here at last... After a long door-to-door selling, here we are
settled. na nu e-shop not only offering you products to buy. We
also offer you articles about anything that related to fashion
such as fashion history, band fashion review, fashion games
review, fashion movies reviews, and so on. We're hoping that
this blog would be useful for you more than just adding your
wardrobe collection. Well, enjoy... ^,^



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original from bontang, indonesia

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